@ DET 2024-11-28
Caleb is buns
Nigga so doodoo
Back to back weeks where I’m gonna crash out
He’s so fucking bad
I’m tired of this bullshit
Give swift the ball bro you suck
This guy booty cheeks
Amazing when you don’t have 12 seconds to throw the ball, how much he looks like total 💩
Bro just throws it outta bounds
What a bum
Benched daniel jones for caleb this week
Would rather paint his nails than watch film
no amount of mac n cheese will undo the pain this man is inflicting on me this thanksgiving
This is going to go down as the worst Thanksgiving performance ever which is incredible because the ny giants play every year
Booty booty booty booty cheeks
Im so happy I accidentally put under 😂
I think Caleb Williams is poo poo
Guys a walking dumpster
13 yards in first half
Dang bruh you SUCK
You fucking in the nfl buddy?? Fuck outta ha
my little cousin plays better than you 😂