@ KC 2024-12-21
Having stroud rostered is crazy
You suck, let Joe loose
CJ Stroud is gonna be a bust QB calling it
Why are they playing on a fucking saturday i did not want to start this idiot
shultz dumb ahh slow
Glad I dropped you weeks ago buddy. You fucking suck
Jamis 2.0
Downfall has to be studied
Mixon only having 2 carries and putting the game in this bums hands is a total joke. Terrible play calling
I’m glad to have stroud on the bench
i told you guys he will heat up back to back good drives needs a td here
thanks tank
Throw the ball to Nico you fraud
He’s cooking right now!
He looks good
i’d say it’s on the ceiling but i know this mf gonna let me down
prove me wrong boy
I’m waiting for his second pic
make rancho cucamonga proud cj 👍
Don’t give me hope
Cmon cj run 3 times IE strong
for the people saying i’m glad i benched him should be ashamed look. at this hot mama go