@ KC 2024-12-21
what are u talkin bout bro ðŸ˜
Benched him this week and he has his best game in weeks
damn who fucked yo mama they made u that mad
Get off yo knees
Why you still going, hop off dic and find a job with all this spare time
Yo ahh takes minutes to type out 10 words
shi he cashed my shi sooo u have fun
8 words took 40 seconds
damn yo ahh jolly asf to see me respond calm down
Get off yo knees, shi looking red
and i got banned for like 40 sec dawg
u hilarious nigga
this trolling shi funny
Stop doing the screen holy shit
Why am I not surprised he has a good game for once when I finally decided to bench him. Thinking man the chiefs would be a bad match up for him right? Well perhaps maybe not I guess lmao. How it always goes. But hope tank dell a good recovery. That was a gruesome landing
Crybaby Bitch
Bench this dude for good Texans he’s a bust you spent so much money to build around him just for him to throw two hospital passes in a season he’s trash and a bust
looks like a bitch, cry’s like a bitch, throws like a bitch
This guy sucks
i benched this lil pussy for you guys
why are some of you guys complaining he is playing good
now this dude doesn’t play like shit all of sudden lol