vs LAC 2024-12-08
Alright bro time to resign
He’s gonna play right
I hope the fuck hot he better not take any carries away from Pacheco
Fuck I need him to gtfo, I have the under
Put Pacheco in
Keep cooking king
nah fuck kareem hunt
i’m tryna pour honey on him
Why wouldn’t they play hunt and save Pacheco for end season/playoffs common now 🤞
chiefs hate fantasy
bench this bum and put pacheco in
Come on kareem
I need 10 out of you
me 2 bru
I need less than 1 damn point out of you to secure the 1st seed in my dynasty league.
Need 32.5 rushing yards am I cooked?
please just 10
As a Pacheco owner f this guy
Can I drop him now
I thought you where boy
Thank you for your nearly 2 months of service towards my playoff push🫡
I’d never wish injury on someone but I’m 12-1 and i wouldn’t mind if Pacheco went down for another 3 weeks